Enfants Terribles Magazine

Baby Editor, Art Director samt layouter af onlinemagasinet Enfants Terribles Magazine.


Best Friends Forever - a tribute to friendship in all it's splendour. Old friends, new friends, best friends and imaginary friends. It comes in many shapes and at various points in our lives. It helps us shape the person we want to be and the life we want to live.

What is art? Do we need art? These are the questions we ask ourselves and our dear readers in this wildly creative issue. We played with art, we danced with art and we tried to push the limits of our own lazy imaginations in search for that secret gateway to the place where art and play meet and magic happens.

Get a sneak peek into which trends and movements Enfants Terribles Magazine predicts will grow and flourish in 2017. The Moon Child Diary is an ode to the imagination and it's ability to move mountains and make room for life and play. The Moon Child is in all of us.